Our Front Desk

Jessica (Jess)

I am the Financial Coordinator at Solt Family Dental. I have worked in dentistry for over 20 years. I started out as a registered dental assistant and made my way up front!

My responsibilities here at SFD include; insurance, financial aspects of the office, patient care, and payment agreements. I love my coworkers and the family atmosphere we have here at the practice.

Outside of work, I spend my days with my two daughters and two puppies. I also enjoy traveling, volleyball and spending time with friends and family.


As our Full-Time Scheduling Coordinator, I’m blessed with the opportunity to work with an amazing team! Throughout the day, I check patients in and out of the office while maintaining our schedule, so you may hear from me when we are able to see you sooner than we planned! I’m thankful for the opportunity to get to know our patients, while learning something new every day.

Most of my free time is spent with my boyfriend Josh, and our dog Luna. On the weekends you’ll find us taking small road trips to nearby states and enjoying the fresh air.